Check Out My New Calendar

Published: Thu, 09/29/11


September 28, 2011                    by Valerie Pugsley

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This year is a year of major changes for my household. My oldest is leaving this week to go to school in England for three years. In my last newsletter I mentioned a family crisis. Since April I've been dealing with my dad's ill health, and in August he passed away. There is a video posted here and a link to a memorial site posted here if your interested.

I still have much to deal with as I am the executor of his estate, but slowing I'm starting to get back on track with my own responsibilities, like this newsletter. Speaking of responsibilities, are you starting to get dates for next year? See my article on Calendars. In Happy Hunting I talk about deals on produce and seasonal shopping.



The Calendar

With Smart phones and various other electronic devices, many keep track of their schedule on those and I do too. However, being a creature of habit I still use a wall calendar as well. This way others in the household can see whats happening. Plus the more places I have it written down, the less likely I am to forget it, or double book. And, if the batteries aren't charged and the computers not on, I can still see if I have someplace to be.

I love the 17 month calendars, because it seems around Aug or Sept I start getting dates for things the following year, like my Dr appt. that happens every six months. This year is also the possibility of a spring break trip to visit our daughter. I use to buy the cheap calendars from the local craft or dollar store. The last several years, I've been buying from Beside the better selection such as grid style, pocket, the paper quality is better. I remember on cheap calendar I had it would transfer things from one month to the next, kinda like carbon paper. Don't have that problem anymore and they have fun themes, including Peanuts, butterflies and many more.

This is the calendar I bought this year, because it had large squares, a pocket and I liked the designs.
If you want a good quality calendar, I highly recommend Holiday Gifts Holiday Gifts

Happy Hunting - Deals                                           
My favorite produce market is closing, which makes me sad because it had the feel of the old fashioned store, where you knew the owner. She also passed on deals when she got them and the produces was brought in fresh 5 out of 7 days a week. In season produce was usually between 50 cents to a dollar a pound.

So what am I going to to now? Well, recently I found a local international market that has really good prices and unlike some of the ethnic markets I've visited in the past the fruit is not overripe. I have also found Henry's, soon to be Sprouts, to have good prices on produce.

Today I learned something new from this video about buying prepackaged produce in your local market. I will definitely remember this one.

Seasonal Shopping for September

Hopefully you know to buy things when they are sale to avoid paying full price. Some sales are predictable and happen every season. So if you haven't gotten you school/office supplies, now's the time as those sales will be wrapping up soon. Also children's clothing and bicycles. Have a garden check the clearance racks for anything you'll need this year or next, and don't forget the bbq grill cleaning tool if you need one.
Lastly if you need any household items keep your eyes open for deals on them too.


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