Good News and an Attitude of Gratitude

Published: Thu, 07/26/12


July 2012   by Valerie Pugsley

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I hope you're all enjoying your summer and have found ways to beat the heat. Some good news since my last newsletter, my Dad's house sold. I still have a couple more administrative things to do but it should be all wrapped up within a few weeks.
In the Health & Nutrition section of this issue you'll find what I'm currently doing in the weight loss area and "Carbs, Fats and Hormones" a summary of an interesting article I read. In Homescooling, who doesn't need an attitude adjustment sometimes including moms and dads. Check out "Attitude of Gratitude." There are also some activities for older students to attack boredom.

Health & Nutrition                                                     

Let's Work Together

Yes it's summer, but you won't find me in a bikini. I gave up losing weight to look good in a bathing suit years ago. That said, I am still trying to lose weight, but gradually through lifestyle changes. Recently I joined some women at church who have an interesting approach. At the beginning and end of each eight week cycle/session each person chips in $5. Participants do what they want to lose weight, and weigh in each Sunday. At the end of the session the person who loses the most weight gets the money. This is the third time they've done it and my first time around. I've noticed that the thought of weighing in and others seeing the results helps me sometimes make better choices. This time around they are going to split the money and give ½ to the person who loses the most weight and ½ to the person with the largest percentage of weight lose. Being a part of this is helping say no to things in the grocery store before it even gets home. It is also  helping me say yes to healthier choices at home like fruits and veggies for a snack. If you have a group of people that you can do this with you might want to give it a try.

What do Fat Carbs and Hormones have in common? All were mentioned in an article in the July issue of Consumer Reports'(TM), On Health. In the article, Dr Walter Willett discusses the results of a long term nutrition study that began in 1976. The participants were nurses, chosen because they thought they would be more accurate with their reporting and they were... read more here


Attitude of Gratitude
Mom, do you struggle with whining, see the glass half full? No, I hope your right, but if you want to take a risk ask your husband and kids if you complain or whine. Whether you're brave enough to ask or not (not sure I am), this is a good article to read. This can be your summer project. How I'm Learning to Replace Whining With Gratitude | Money Saving Mom®
If life is just tough right now maybe a page I wrote, Being Thankful for the Basics will be helpful.
"I'm Bored"
Are you hearing this from your teens and older students?
Easy Summer Craft Ideas for Teenagers is a great page with lots of ideas for both boys and girls. Time for creativity and crafts often don't happen during the school year, so take advantage of summer and let the creative juices flow.

Places you can find me online.

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