- You’ve got to read this travel blogger’s story of tears and incredible hard work

Published: Wed, 04/12/17

I’ll be super quick here, because you’ll want to jump over and read this incredibly raw and honest story of how Craig and his wife Caz battled huge setbacks and built a successful travel blog. 

And the truth about how the hard work doesn’t stop once you hit “success” with a blog. 

Hint: They still only sleep 5 hours a night.

I think it's important to hear the truth behind the pretty pictures. It's so easy to be jealous - especially of travel and fashion bloggers - and not realize how rough the road really is. The fact is blogging is phenomenally hard work, but it can lead to an amazing life outside the regular rat race. But you must always remember, behind the photos is usually a crazy busy life lacking routine and the peace of mind a regular salary brings.

Read Craig and Caz’s story here…

Talk soon, 

5 Minutes For Mom

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