- Why I don't panic when sponsored campaigns slow down in January...

Published: Tue, 01/09/18

January is an interesting time as a blogger. The rush of campaigns from November and December suddenly stops at Christmas and you can breath again.

The challenge is it can be hard to kick back into action after such a long break.

And the bigger challenge for many is that the sponsored campaign offers are usually much slower at the start of the year. 

But to be honest… I love that the demand for blog posts slows down in January. It gives me time to work on more non-sponsored blog posts, schedule a ton of pins using Tailwind, and plan for the months ahead.

After 12 years of blogging, Janice and I have learned not to panic in January. The work will come again... it's just slow at the start.

What we are NOT doing...

During this last year, we decided that we were NOT going to go in the direction of creating courses teaching about blogging, social media and photography. While we have years of experience that we love to share with new bloggers, we felt that many of our other blogging friends are already creating great courses and we don’t want to compete with them.

Since there are only so many hours in a day, we focused on continuing to create and promote our blog content including lots of recipes, crafts, family life posts and giveaways as well as round ups where we help promote other bloggers’ content.  And I pulled back from emailing those of you who had signed up for this Become a Better Blogger email series.

In the new year, we’re going to continue with our strategy of creating as much awesome content as we can… and we won’t be creating courses of our own at this time.

But we will still share some of our tips, strategies and lessons learned in emails. 

And we want to help spread the word about the awesome courses and other resources that our friends are creating. 

So I'm going to try and stay in touch more often with those of you who asked for help becoming a better blogger.

One of the things I love about having you on this smaller email list of blogging friends is that it's easier for us to support you. 

You can reply to these emails with ways we can help you. We’re always happy to pin or tweet something for you… and of course we want to be sure we’re following you on your social channels.

I'm going to keep these emails short and informal, and I'd love for you to write back to me and let me know how I can help  you.

Talk later, 

5 Minutes For Mom