- So I just did something I haven't done in a long time...

Published: Tue, 02/20/18

One of my blogging friends - who is AWESOME - Stacie from Simply Stacie shared on Facebook that she joined this blogging membership group called... Bloggers Tell All.

And I figured if Stacie, who is absolutely killing it these days, thinks SHE can learn from this group, then I better check it out. 

(Truth is I've been jealous of Stacie for the last couple of years because her blog is doing so well!)

When I got inside this group, I couldn't believe how many experienced bloggers are already in it. 

It's $19/month right now and Stacie said that she thinks that price will be going up.

For the last few years, I've felt that I pretty much know whatever I needed to know about blogging, and I just need to keep working. But really, I could stand to learn what some other top bloggers are doing behind the scenes these days.

The Bloggers Tell All group is led by 8 rockstar bloggers who I know from their blogs, but I don't know personally. So I'm excited to get to know how they run their businesses and network with other serious bloggers who are willing to pay a small fee each month to learn and grow.

If you're like me and want to find out what you're missing... click here for my affiliate link to the group.

Talk soon, 

5 Minutes For Mom