Discover how to use the START formula to triumph over difficult situations.

Published: Wed, 11/20/13


When you are in the midst of a life challenge, it is often difficult to see beyond the chaos around you and get a glimpse of the calm after the storm. For this reason, I developed a formula to help you prepare for the impending storms of life challenges, courageously endure them and surpass them victoriously. 

No doubt you have been in the middle of a situation that has challenged you to the core; a problem that seemed insurmountable. However, In retrospect, you can probably find a few things within that experience, which can help you prevent future difficulties and help you endure future challenges. 

I have developed an easy to remember formula, which can help you face the storms courageously and resiliently survive the relentless winds of life.

I call it the S.T.A.R.T. Formula. I have written a blog post and recorded a podcast episode detailing how each one of the steps in the S.T.A.R.T. Formula can help you become more courageous, determined and resilient when you need it the most. 

I am convinced that you or someone you know can benefit tremendously from this formula when facing a challenge. Whether the challenge manifests itself as a Medical Diagnosis, A Financial Difficulty or Relationship Conflict, this formula will be invaluable in helping you through it. 

I invite you to learn about this Formula an share it with anyone you think might find it useful.

Read the details of the formula here: What can you do when facing the storm? Simply S.T.A.R.T.   

Hoping your skies are always clear, even when you have to envision their clarity through the darkness of the storms.

Juan Sepulveda (Masonic Regalia and Masonic Art)