We all hate being disappointed, right?

Published: Mon, 07/28/14

Hi ,

It is very unpleasant to expect things to work out a certain way, only to be surprised by harsh disappointment. Unfortunately, many times, we don't have the resilience try things again after being disappointed. 

The easy thing to do is to lower our expectations; However, that is the kind of attitude that can lead us to mediocrity. Instead, clearly expressing our expectations and desires can help others modify their behavior and by consequence work harder to meet our expectations. However, It isn't always in the other party's interest or capability to adjust their performance to meet our expectations. In which case, we can better prepare for the outcome.

In organizations and in families, adopting a practice of clearly expressing our expectations is a way in which we can avoid disappointment and the resentment that may accompany it. By being clear about what our expectations are of others and understanding what others expect of us, we can reduce conflict and increase trust.

I recently published a podcast episode on The Winding Stairs, which aims to help you with this. It is the first installment in a series I call Bridging the Gap and the first episode focuses on Bridging the Gap of Expectations. I invite you to listen to it and share it with anyone who has recently experienced a disappointment due to a Gap in Expectations. 

You can listen to the episode or read its accompanying article here:

or if you prefer, you can Download the Audio File and listen to it at your leisure.

To put into practice what I just wrote, here are my expectations of you:
  1. I expect you to listen to the episode and read the article.
  2. If it met your expectations or if it harshly disappointed you, please let me know. 
May your steps be secure and your path illuminated.  


Juan Sepulveda

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