How Your experience in life can helps us all...

Published: Fri, 08/09/13


As you have probably already noticed, I try to provide practical advice to the people visiting my blog or listening to my podcast, about how to become the best version of themselves. I can do this, not because I have lived every possible scenario in my own life, but rather because in addition to my own life experience, I have access to very wise people who can help me. 

That's where you come in. If you have signed up to receive updates from me, it is very likely that you are also a driven individual with a desire to constantly improve yourself. Therefore, you now are part of this growing community of like-minded people, who really want to live their life to the fullest and we can all benefit from your life experience. 

If you are going through a challenge in your life, or would like to read and listen to practical advice (from a Masonic Point of View) regarding any subject matter, we are here for you and would love to hear your suggestions. 

Your feedback will help us provide actionable help to our Friends and Brothers who most need it. You could be directly responsible for changing someone's life for the better.

So please reply to this message with a suggestion for a topic that you would like to see covered on The Winding Stairs. You can also leave us a comment with this information by visiting our Contact Page or adding a comment on our program's page on iTunes.

I look forward to your response and thank you for being a valuable part of our community. 

Sincerely and Fraternally, 

Bro:. Juan Sepulveda


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