What happens to us is less important than what we do with what happens.

Published: Fri, 09/27/13


You know we all go through difficult moments in our life, but some more than others. Sometimes we become so overwhelmed by the troubles we face, that we lose sight of the many blessings we have. I recently sat down to interview a Brother, who really made me think of the troubles I have endured in my life and how they might pale in comparison to the troubles he has gone through. 

I sat down with Marcus Engel, who is a best selling author and public speaker, who came face to face with death one evening when the vehicle he was in was struck by a drunk driver. The impact was so severe that it shattered many of his bones, blinded him instantly and almost killed him. As devastating as that might sound, I am writing to you today because I want to share with you what he did after the accident. 

His story is very inspiring, because he now travels and speaks to people about how to be resilient, and compassionate. Marcus says "There is nothing I can do to change what happened, All I can do is change the future".   

It is impossible not to think of the things that have happened to us in the past, but we must not be defined by what has happened. Instead, we need to learn from our past and focus on changing our Future. 

I hope that you remember this whenever you are going through a rough patch in your life; Remember that you will not be a victim of the circumstances, but rather the Victor of the future you will design. 

You can listen to this interview by visiting The Winding Stairs Episode 10

The Winding Stairs Masonic Podcast- Episode 10 
I hope you have a great weekend. 

Juan Sepulveda
http://www.FreemasonryArt.com (Masonic Regalia and Masonic Art)