Do we treat time as we should?

Published: Mon, 03/07/16


Although it is a more valuable commodity than silver and gold, we don't treat Time with the respect and control that we should. For example, I wanted to share this new artwork with you last week but didn't organize my time well enough to accommodate it. The sands of time don't stop flowing, so being mindful of the fleeting nature of this element is crucial in our journey Up The Winding Stairs of life. 

If you haven't done so yet, I want to encourage you to spend a few minutes organizing the next hours of your day, so that you can better prepare for the days ahead. This is the only way to ensure that the upcoming years are productive and fulfilling. Like that old Spanish proverb says "A prepared man is worth two men". So join me in remaining aware of the intrinsic value of time and in spending it wisely.  

Unlocking Time
Like my previous artwork "Unlocking Knowledge", I made this ink drawing on the pages of an old book titled "A Library of Freemasonry Illustrated". The book was beyond repair, but the fact that it was over 100 years old inspired me to try to do something beautiful with it. I hope that you enjoy "Unlocking Time", a new artwork which aims to inspire us to be mindful of the value of time. To read more about the symbols contained in this artwork and to get a hand-signed print, visit

Have you heard of The Gentlemen's Brotherhood?
If you are a man who places great value on being a gentleman, If you think that it is important to develop a society in which people respect one another, then you will love my latest project called The Gentlemen's Brotherhood

It is not specifically geared toward Masons, but to any man who wants to live the life of a gentleman and associate with other like-minded men. Here is an article I wrote called "The Difficult Conversations". In it, I discuss the importance of not shying away from difficult conversations, but to handle them in a earnest and respectful manner. It is an example of what you will find in The Gentlemen's Brotherhood