Why are so many good men leaving our Fraternity? (Please read today!)

Published: Wed, 07/13/16

Dear Brother,

Almost a year ago, on August of 2015, I asked a question in The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Group on Facebook. I asked the following:
"Why are Brothers leaving Lodge and not returning?
What do you think they are not getting in Lodge?
What are you missing in your Lodge?

After over a hundred answers and more than a dozen shares, do you have a guess of what the predominant answer was? Yes, you probably guessed it right, EDUCATION. People expressed how although they loved the rituals and the fellowship, they were lacking the practical education on how to apply Freemasonry into their lives.

Learning about the tools and rituals is not enough. The only way we can go from being good men to better men is by discovering practical applications of the Masonic teachings and implementing those into our lives.

That is why I created the Applied Freemasonry Program. It takes the lessons of the craft and, through the use of 21st-century technology, aims to help you take actionable steps into Applying Freemasonry.

Join our growing group of dynamic Brothers who come together every day to help one another apply the lessons of The Craft.

Enrollment in the Applied Freemasonry Program is not open, but enrollment ends at Midnight tonight. To learn more about this program and to reserve your space, visit: http://www.TheWindingStairs.com/Mentorship

I hope to see you inside the program.

Your Brother,

Juan Sepulveda

P.S. If you know of a young Brother who could benefit from having access to the practical applications of Freemasonry, please share this program with them. Thank you.