What good is a tool that you don't know how to use?

Published: Tue, 09/13/16

Hello ,

Imagine owning the greatest tools in the world, but not knowing exactly how to put them to good use. Unfortunately, this is exactly what's happening in many Lodges around the country, where the Lodge Meetings are full of everything except for Masonic Education.

We've heard the expression "Freemasonry makes good men better", right? But I would argue that Freemasonry gives good men "the tools" to become better. His proper use of those tools, in his personal life, is what will eventually make him a great man. For this reason, I have developed a Masonic Education program that focuses on exactly that; On helping good men find practical applications to the lessons of Freemasonry.

This is a program I wish existed when I first joined Freemasonry. I invite you to learn more about this program by visiting:


I look forward to working alongside you, in our effort to become better men.

Your Brother,

Juan Sepulveda

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