Honestly, what are we missing in Lodges today?

Published: Wed, 09/21/16


We welcome thousands of good men into our fraternity each year, but we can't seem to keep them engaged. I have heard from hundreds of Brothers who have grown disillusioned with their Masonic Experience because they are not getting the guidance they expected. Although they are grateful that they belong to such an honorable organization, many are not satisfied with the quantity and quality of the Masonic Education offered in their meetings. 

That is why I developed the Applied Freemasonry Program.
A unique Masonic Education experience developed for the Modern Mason. For the Brother who is busy but still wants to find practical applications of the lessons of Freemasonry. 

You've heard the expression "Freemasonry makes good men better", right? I prefer to say that "Freemasonry gives good men The Tools to become better". Your proper implementation of those tools into your personal life is what makes you a better man. You have access to the tools of The Craft, Now let's work together to find how to put them to work in your life.

We would love for you to join us in this program. To learn how to join this unique Masonic Education experience, visit: www.TheWindingStairs.com/Applied

Your Brother, 

Juan Sepulveda

P.S. Spaces are limited and enrollment is only open for a few more days. Don't be left out, Join us today!