Spoiler Alert: All New Brothers of your Lodge need to hear this.

Published: Tue, 04/05/16


When a man begins to learn about Freemasonry, he is eager to learn as much as possible from this new and exciting subject. But that zeal may prove to be detrimental if the candidate (or new Entered Apprentice) begins to look anywhere and everywhere for Light. With the proliferation of the internet, the amount of information regarding masonry -Right or Wrong- is almost infinite.

Where does a new Mason find Light in Masonry without ruining his initiatic experience? I am proud to introduce you to my latest book "Illuminated Sources". It is a great starting point in the educational journey of a New Mason or Candidate. Even seasoned Brothers will benefit from this book as they will discover new sources and strategies to expand their Masonic Education. 

Sneak Preview: Avoiding Spoilers
Here is a look at one of the pages of the book. Actionable advice like this is something I wish I had when I began my journey up The Winding Stairs. In addition to this, you will find answers to the following questions:
  • What books would you recommend to Master Masons?
  • Are there any good Masonic blogs for brief articles related to Freemasonry?
  • Which online forums would you recommend, where I can discuss current events in Freemasonry?
  • Do you have any tips on making progress through my growing book collection?
You will find answers to these many others in our book. Download your copy now and begin enjoying the dozens of resources recommended and the actionable tips to help you in your progress up The Winding Stairs. 

Don't Forget: Last Few Days
There are only a few days left to take advantage of our MYSTERY print promotion. Many Brothers from around the country are excitedly anticipating a package with a surprise art print inside. Order yours today. Don't forget to use promo code: MYSTERY