13 Ways To Get New Clients (And One bullet proof, maxi-strategy that pulls triple duty)

Published: Wed, 09/23/15

Hey.  I don't know if you are "subscribed" to our blog... nor if you are among our active readers.  =) For that reason, I'm sending this email ONLY and DIRECTLY  to you... to GET TO THE HEART of your business challenge: 

Getting new clients... ON DEMAND... who cheerfully pay your fees. 

If that is what you'd LOVE to say is true for your business... keep reading.  NO LINKS to click. Nothing to buy. Just 13 Solid, Direct Ways to Get New Clients.  Because being able to create clients on demand is critical.  Clients "on demand"  affords you that coveted time off. Clients "on demand" allows you to hire an assistant.  Clients "on demand" creates both money freedom AND time freedom in your business.  

How would YOUR business change if you could literally create profit -- at will -- by generating new clients or patients when you need or want to?   This email will help you with that. It is free -- of course -- and it is JUST for WOW members.  So, enjoy. (And then implement!) =) 

Many business owners struggle with this, despite how incredibly savvy they are in their field and as a business owner.  Maybe their schedule is full... but they don't have the RIGHT clients.  They have "cheap" clients, or needy clients, or patients who don't pay on time.  Maybe they have too few clients or too few of the RIGHT clients... or their clients come to their door "inconsistently." 

No more. Here are 13 tried and true strategies to help you land more Clients.  Implement one, a hand full, or all 13.  And keep me posted on your success.  (Consider using our BRAND NEW and FREE Facebook group for keeping me updated -- https://www.facebook.com/groups/planetwow/) 

1) Blogging.  

THIS is the maxi-strategy... you know, the one that pulls triple duty (it helps you generate leads, it helps you convert leads, and it helps you generate referrals.)    If you are NOT already blogging, you should be.  If you are blogging and wondering WHY its not working for you, email me.  (Just hit reply.)  Blogging is something that not only pulls triple duty, but the results of a solid blogging strategy strengthen over time. (I still get clients from blogs that were published 5 years ago!)   If blogging ISN'T working like a charm for you, you are doing it wrong. Email me so I can help. 

2) Start Co-Promoting.  

Find some non-competing businesses who serve your same target market and raise each other's flags.  Be deliberate and strategic about this.  Choose a COUPLE of co-promoters and be loyal to them.  Honor pre-determined boundaries.  Give. Give. Get.  But also measure. Some Co-promotion partnerships work better than others.  We only have time for that which are profitable.  

3) Get Media.

Being in the media does NOT equal getting clients. It simply does not.  But, if you're SAVVY about your media appearances, you can (first) get them... and then use them. It is ALL about how you use the media you get. For example, I have a written piece that was published in an industry journal... I published it with the full intention of having a piece of media to include in a direct mail campaign I was planning. Worked like a charm. 

4)  Speak. 

Not a speaker, that's okay. Neither am I. Speak anyway.  Take the stage and talk about what you know best... about how you help your clients or patients. And invite attendees to follow up with you -- for free -- regarding their specific questions. 

5)  Host Your Own Gatherings.

This doesn't mean you have to host your own formal events. But, why not a meet up? Why not an informal mastermind meeting? Host your own gatherings and do it regularly.  Invite not only prospects, but also potential "partners" who could help you with #2.  

6) Ask for referrals.

Don't just HOPE for referrals. ASK for referrals.  And, REWARD each referral. Don't wait until it turns into money for you.  Thank your referral source for the CONFIDENCE they had in you to refer you in the first place.  To the extent the law allows in your industry, keep your referral sources in the loop.  Consider hosting a quarterly dinner or dessert night for each person who referred to you that quarter. Send a card thanking the referral source WHETHER OR NOT the person they referred became a client.  For more on this, watch this video about referrals gone terribly wrong

7) Help lost prospects find their way back to you.  

Listen, problems you solve don't get solved on their own. Many of your prospects have pushed pause on the problem and haven't taken action yet... despite originally coming to you.   Show back up, ask how things are going. See how you can help.

8) Network online.

Your clients are online... so you should be also.  Quick caveat: don't "HIDE" online.  Make social media and the rest of your online marketing only PART of what you do.  

9) Network offline.  

SHOW UP.  Be relational.  Show up at events... host your own.... join a service club.  

10) Know how you can help.

Always know the problem you solve, who you solve it for.  THAT is your "elevator pitch" -- and it should always be conversational.  "What do you do?" Should never be answered with a canned one-sided elevator pitch.  (Yawn... and AWKWARD!)  Instead, be able to say, "You know any business owners who love what they do but aren't making the money they'd like to make doing it?" Wait for the person you're speaking to to respond.  "Yeah.. I help them grow their bottom line without feeling sleazy and stressed about it."  Once you KNOW your conversational "how you can help" conversation -- post it in our group:  It'll be a great way for people to get to know you.

11) Always serve. 

Service is synonymous with sales. At least it should be.  Focus on how you can SERVE your prospect... and many other aspects of the sales process take care of themselves. 

12) Demonstrate Your BEST ASSET.

​Whenever possible, don't just TELL how good you are at X. SHOW how good you are at X.  Allow your target market to EXPERIENCE you... so you never have to convince them of your best asset... because it's on full display! 

13) Package Your work and run a campaign to sell it.

 Package your work, even your service based work, to create an EASY onramp for your business.  Get creative.  Create that EASY YES, to earn a client. I LOVE packaging and pricing questions... so if you have one... send it my way by hitting reply. 

I hope this helps... Until next time, I remain AUTHENTICALLY and RUTHLESSLY committed to your success. 
