The Lowest Point in My Business... I just couldn't take it anymore.

Published: Tue, 07/14/15

Hey guys.  This email is a long but poignant reminder of how THICK SKINNED and TOUGH we have to be as business owners.  While it takes you through a bit of what I -- personally -- went through this week, my philosophy is this:  You either need this email, RIGHT NOW,  you needed it YESTERDAY, or you will need it ONE DAY SOON.   (Unrelated, but cool special announcement at very bottom of this email.)  So, here goes: 

In the past week, I received two NASTY GRAM messages... like, REALLY nasty personal attacks.  The first was from a contact on facebook who asked my advice and didn't like my suggesting he do things like "be able to collect email addresses on his website" or "make it obvious what you sell"   and went IRATE when I didn't accept his friend request. The second  was from a vendor on fiverr who didn't like my review of her work.  The former was just irritating and shocking.   I had to have re-read our facebook chat exchange 50 times to see what I missed!!  The latter actually got threatening and WAY weird.   Ironically, the review complimented her on many things, but did give an honest assessment of the final product. 

Anyway, while neither of these people's opinions matter to me, I was surprised at how they hijacked my thoughts and was reminded of what a roller coaster ride business can be.  Years ago, in my life coaching business, when some of you knew me already, I applied for a job at a local restaurant waiting tables and accepted it.  I'll be telling that story in more detail in my upcoming and brand new PODCAST =) =)  but suffice it to say, it was one of the lowest points of my own roller coaster.   Fortunately, my defiance stepped in and I didn't accept the position... and -- as it turns out -- created women who wow instead.  As business owners we have to hear from frustrated clients, we get let down by prospects who disappear, deal with Pains in the BUTT like these two crazies, and SO MUCH more.... many times, all in one day.  We can go from a great big high to a very deep low within a pair of cyber-seconds. 

Add to that -- and now i'm just shamelessly and  actively seeking your pity, lol....  --  I now have a family with THREE teenagers. So you MUST KNOW how much affirmation I'm getting at home, right? (As a parent of teenagers, they must think you are literally the biggest fool on the planet, always out to ruin their life in one way or another.)  

Bottom line: business can be tough, and those who create WILD success for themselves simply become tougher. This mental toughness is necessary for success.    I urge you to print out the following and read it whenever you need it.  It's from Dan Kennedy.  I posted it on my blog back in 2008 and I still re-read it often today.  Here it is: 

“…Just get out of small business’ way….. [the only] endangered species we need to worry about is the guy or gal running a small business… beleagued at every turn… You know this song.  You don’t need the sheet music.  Incredibly the spirit of the entrepreneur is so resilient, we stubbornly get up each morning, polish our swords, and head out the door, no matter how the fire-breathing dragon population may have multiplied overnight.  Now thats the REAL audacity of hope.  Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to slay the dragons we go.  And it’s a damned good thing we do, because if those 24-million small businesses all elminiated just one job each, that’ll be 24-million folks added to the unemployment rolls overnight.  Ooops.  So we can all be grateful for each other and our shared insanity…. So, if nobody else has said thanks to you this month for being Atlas and carrying the economy on your shoulders, I have.  Please don’t shrug.  

 I put this out to you because our work -- whether we employ ONLY ourselves, or countless others... whether we practice medicine, hypnosis, sell hair extensions, jewelry or coaching -- is IMPORTANT.   Our success is IMPORTANT... not just to us, but to our families, to the economy.   I'm a champion of what we do... because it matters! Atlas, please don't shrug!   

I hope this encourages you today.
I hope it affirms your work,
encourages you in your business,
puts some wind at your back.

If it does, let me know.  I like to know I'm making a difference. MY MISSION here is to encourage, empower and equip you for success.  Let me know how I'm doing. 

Oh -- I did promise you a cool new --unrelated -- announcement... so here it is:   I am creating a bonus offering for my Enterprising Expert members.  It will teach you EXACTLY how to blog profitably.  How to get started, how to do it so that it isn't a time suck, my entire content creation plan, how to blog DELIBERATELY for increased profit, etc.  Anyway, I'm putting it together for the nearly 100 "experts" going through Enterprising Experts training with me right now, and am contemplating opening it up as a stand alone program for you guys.  Super affordable.  Very focused. 

Is there any interest?  WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN THIS?   Also, if you ARE interested, what are your top challenges with blogging consistently and profitably?   Just email me (by hitting reply) and let me know your thoughts and interest. 

In the meantime, check out my new podcast artwork below... because this baby is cOMING SOON to an itunes near you! =) =) 
