My LOVE / HATE Relationship With My Own Self-Set Agenda for Today

Published: Mon, 07/27/15

Hey ya'll! As I write this email to you, I'm preparing for one of the best / worst days in my business. I'm staring down two full days of 1/2 hour consults offered ONLY to those in a program I recently launched.  Let me be blatantly honest: I HATE days like today and tomorrow because they are so SCHEDULED.  But -- way more than that --  I LOVE them because they allow me to TRULY CONNECT and SERVE my market in a way that a digital product alone simply doesn't allow.

As an aside, I'm going to be offering a full course guaranteed  -- LITERALLY, fully, money-back guaranteed -- to increase your blog's ranking, traffic, engagement and comments.  We're going to be covering the HUGE GAPING HOLE in your industry right now... and why you should be filling it. I'm excited to launch it and will -- likely -- do a full scaled launch for this offer.   I'm putting together specifics on this now, but if you BLOG (or know you need to be blogging) with disappointing results, email me so I can get more details in front of you before we "go to market." 

Back to today's email.... I could have -- and have in the past-- offered digital products with no interaction, no access to me. In fact, I offer one still -- regularly, but ONLY to new subscribers-- throughout the year.  HOWEVER, it isn't my preference. I know that the strategies I teach are BEST carried out with some measure of customization, support and -- above all else -- accountability.  I know the results my new clients have will be GREATER with this sort of personal touch.  AND I LOVE being a part of such transformations, AHA moments and commitments to the extraordinary. 

  And so I schedule.  I hate it because these scheduled days -- blocked out a month in advance -- mock my pursuit of time freedom.  BUT, I am reminded: only the disciplined are free. I love it because this schedule  for today and tomorrow frees me up to interact with a HUGE NUMBER of people I'd otherwise have no meaningful interaction with, and it allows me to more fully partner with them in their business. 

So, I go into today -- and tomorrow --  SO GRATEFUL for you... my "list." BECAUSE you are SO MUCH MORE THAN A LIST to me. You are my colleagues, my friends, my comrades on the battlefield of business.  You are the reason for my continued success.  I celebrate your wins, and agonize over your defeats -- although they are ALL only temporary.  I read each and every email... and while it's becoming increasingly hard to respond to each of them, I  DO try.     YOU -- your businesses -- are the wind beneath my wings.   It's in this spirit, I go into a phone-coaching frenzy. =)  Thank you, again, for the opportunity.


Quick note... I typically don't send out an email EVERY TIME something new posts to our blog. But, if you're not on our RSS feed, you may be missing out on some REALLY great stuff.  For instance, if you are NOT an official WOW member, you've GOT to read this WOW spotlight which is truly encapsulates the magic of membership.  Also, here's one about the 3 biggest breakthroughs you can have in your business.  As for MORE profit, more sales, etc.... here's a post to help you remove whatever is in the way of your market BUYING.  If you have a question you'd like me to answer -- fully -- in the form of a blog post, hit reply to this email and let me know what's on your mind.