Word@work 078 - Mark 6:47-50a

Published: Fri, 03/07/08

Word@Work from BeaconLight
Read Mark 6:47-50a  When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified. (NIV)
Jesus was by Himself on the mountainside, praying, while the disciples were getting into heavy weather on the lake. The sails had come down and they manned the oars to keep the boat's head into the wind: lest the waves should come sideways, to swamp their vessel and sink them. But Jesus knew all about it ... whatever they felt about having to save themselves ... He was planning to do that job for them.
We do not know how Jesus 'saw' them (either physically by the moonlight, or by the same astonishing knowledge with which He knows all the details of our troubles), but He did. When Jesus arrived, waking on the water, it was the worst time (4th watch was from 3.00am) for tired seamen: it always seems darkest before the dawn. They had no thought that it could be Jesus, so they screamed in terror. Despite the feeding of 5000, they thought that their security was in their own hands, and had forgotten about Jesus.
This is a true story but also a parable of how easily faithless people assume that God neither knows nor cares - and so they have to fend for themselves and cope as best they can. But the same Jesus who saw them, sees us. Now, as then, Jesus is teaching His disciples what it means to come to the end of their own resources, so that they might welcome Him. The trouble is that self-centeredness is so blinding, especially when things are against us, that even when Jesus is near we think that His presence is another threat. Today's passage does not reveal the happy ending; but does show how the Lord knows and cares and comes at just the right time. All we have to do is to trust Him to do that today, and over the weekend!
Prayer:  Dear Lord. How blindly I stagger on to fix my own problems - without believing that you love me, know about my circumstances and will reveal your answer at just the right time. The pressures of work can be as savage as the sea (and often as impersonal) but I need to trust You today. Please help me to expect You to meet my need at the time You know is right. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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