Word@Work C16-15 - Luke 2:15-18

Published: Fri, 12/30/16

Word At Work
Word@Work from BeaconLight
Luke 2:15-18
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about." So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. (NIVUK)
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Decisions are at the core of any business. Generally, the more difficult, complex or risky the decision, the more people are paid. Decisions are made by evaluating the nature of the issue and possible options in the light of surrounding circumstances and past experience: then rejecting all but one option, being willing to risk one's assets and reputation on the outcome. However, shepherding is not a highly paid job! Yet, they made a decision to leave their sheep and look for Jesus. The reason to do so was not found in their intellect, or past experience, but their inner, God-given conviction that the angels were telling them the truth. They knew that they must not miss this unique opportunity to find the Saviour.

As far as we know, none of them had met angels before. Were they to leave their sheep for a hoax, they would have become the laughing stock of the town – and no farmer likes to be mocked, or find that the livestock was killed by wild animals in their absence. But they knew, deep down, that they had heard the truth from God. So there was no time to waste as they ran down the hillside. They found that the Word of God matched the details of all they discovered; and they believed the prophetic details about who Jesus was and why He had come. Their conversation with Mary and Joseph confirmed that they had met the Saviour of the world. So they decided to tell everybody!

However incredible the gospel might sound to some, others will believe it and act in repentance and faith. When God speaks, He expects a response, and with no delay. Failure to do so might be thought of as prudence, wise reflection or prioritising other things – but God calls it disobedience. Some deride 'simple faith' saying that it lacks intellectual rigour. In fact, once God's Word has been explained, clever arguments are merely a sophisticated way of arrogantly rebelling against the Almighty. The shepherds had no such problem: God spoke to them … they responded … the Word was confirmed … and they responded by telling others. They may not have been thought of as astute business brains, but they made the right decision. When God speaks through His Word, the best decision is not to think that you are right, but to agree that God is right. That is the first step to salvation, obedience, blessing and glory. Starting each day in the Word lets us hear the Lord. Then all we have to do is agree He is right and obey. So put away pride and intellectual arrogance, and simply trust and obey. That is the decision which brings you to glory in the end.

Dear Lord. Thank You for not making it too complicated for anyone to hear, and obey and serve You. Please forgive me when I put up all sorts of objections, which amount to unbelieving disobedience. Help me to humble myself to accept that You mean what You say; and then to do what You have commanded, and share the good news of Your powerful grace with others, at work as well as in the church. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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