Word@Work Archive – now searchable by chapter

Published: Sat, 02/18/17

Word At Work
Word@Work from BeaconLight
Word@Work Archive – now searchable by chapter

It is now much easier to use the Word@Work online archive (www.wordatwork.org.uk/archive). A new facility has been added: you can search for a specific chapter within each book to show all the Bible studies in that chapter in order. Also, when you are in a particular study, you can click the ‘previous’ or ‘next’ buttons to go back or forward one study with each click.

The archive currently contains all the verse-by-verse devotional studies by Dr Paul Adams throughout 21 of the 27 New Testament books. The plan for the remaining six books is: 2 Corinthians will be finished, and the archive of 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy will be online by Easter 2017. 2 Thessalonians should be completed by mid-summer 2017. Then, Hebrews and Revelation will be available over the next two years, God-willing.

This is a huge resource for Bible students, Church leaders, Bible Study group leaders, parents at home, workers away from home, and for all believers who want to keep spiritually sharp.

Our recent Word@Work Reader Survey showed that about a third of our readers are involved in Christian ministry; two thirds of them use Word@Work material in their teaching and counselling. Also, of all our readers surveyed, half have used the archive in the past and over 10% use it often.

So we are very glad that this new search facility will make it simpler and faster to locate the Bible passages you want to study.

If you have not accessed the archive before, try it today. It is completely free.

May God bless you as you study His Word, learning to apply it to your life and helping others to do the same.

The Word@Work Team

Your next Word@Work will be sent on Monday, 20 February 2017.

Word@Work © 2017 Dr Paul Adams | Provided by BeaconLight
Word At Work

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