Word@Work Advent and Christmas Series 2017

Published: Sat, 12/16/17

Word At Work
Word@Work from BeaconLight
Advent and Christmas Series 2017

Dear Word@Work Reader

From Monday, December 18, 2017 to Friday, January 5, 2018, we will take a break from our expository series in Revelation and consider the Advent and Christmas story in the Gospel of Luke. We will resume the series in Revelation on Monday, January 8, 2018.

All the Word@Work team at BeaconLight would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Advent and Christmas season and God's blessing in the New Year.

The Word@Work Team

Your next Word@Work will be sent on Monday, December 18 2017
Word@Work © 2017 Dr Paul Adams | Provided by BeaconLight
Word At Work

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