New Series in Word@Work starts on Monday

Published: Sat, 04/14/18

Word At Work
Word@Work from BeaconLight
New Word@Work Series

We have now come to the end of our series in Revelation, and trust that you have benefited from these Bible expositions. We are grateful to so many who have sent kind comments about the way in which the messages have been helpful to them. About a third of our readers are in Christian ministry, where Word@Work is a valuable resource as they lead and teach; as well as helping those studying in home, church or in work-place groups. If you would like to read any of the past messages again, or use them to study with others, all the devotionals are still available at You can search by book and chapter.

Dr Paul Adams has now completed the Word@Work commentary of the whole of the New Testament, emailing 2,622 daily devotional expositions since the first transmission on 12 November 2007. At the outset, Word@Work was only intended to help a small number of working people in a local church near London, UK. We never thought then that this would become a global ministry, nor that it would culminate in a verse by verse devotional commentary of the entire New Testament. The Word@Work team are grateful to the Lord for the privilege of serving you, and so many other people around the world, with the powerful truth of God's Word.

So, what now? Word@Work will continue! Studies in the Letter of James will be refreshed and emailed out to subscribers five days a week, starting on Monday, 16 April 2018.

If you are grateful for Word@Work, please consider making a thanksgiving gift today. Dr Adams does not receive any payment or gifts for writing Word@Work, it is his gift to you: but the costs of production and distribution to 30,000 subscribers worldwide considerably exceed donations. We want to continue to provide the emailed messages free of charge without advertising, and to extend this unique ministry directly to smartphone users. So your donation will enable more people to be fed with God's Word, so that they can feed others.

If you would like to make a gift, please click here - let us know who you are and say it is your thanksgiving gift for Word@Work.

Thank you for subscribing to Word@Work from BeaconLight.

Every blessing in Christ

The Word@Work Team


Your next Word@Work will be sent on Monday, April 16, 2018

Word@Work © 2018 Dr Paul Adams | Provided by BeaconLight
Word At Work

Contact us at [email protected]

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