New Word@Work Series

Published: Sat, 10/17/20

Word At Work
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Word@Work from BeaconLight
New Word@Work Series

We are soon coming to the end of our series in Philippians, and trust that you have benefited from these Bible expositions.

If you would like to read any of the past messages again, or use them to study with others, all the devotionals are available at You can search by book and chapter.

A new series of devotionals in the Gospel of Luke will commence on Friday, 23 October 2020.


The Word@Work App is now available! iOS and Android Apps are free to download from the App Stores or from the link on

Download the App for free and add it to your home screen. It is easy to use and will help you share biblical truth with your family and friends, church fellowship and work colleagues. You will still have the Word@Work emails to read and print - and for encouraging and teaching others.

The App contains all the Word@Work messages for the entire New Testament, and the 'Latest Word@Work' will always be the same as the emailed version. The expositions in Luke are being revised with cross references as we go along and automatically updated when your device is connected to the internet. Cross references will just pop up as you tap on them. You can also copy part or the whole of the messages to send to friends on Facebook, WhatsApp or other social media.

Please download the App and tell us what you think. Also please write a review on the App Store. Let your friends know and encourage them to let God's Word be at work in their lives too.

If you are grateful for Word@Work, please consider making a thanksgiving gift today. Dr Adams does not receive any payment or gifts for writing Word@Work, it is his gift to you: but the costs of production and distribution to many thousands of subscribers worldwide is considerable. We want to continue to provide the emailed messages and Apps free of charge without including advertising.

If you would like to make a gift, please click here - let us know who you are and say it is your thanksgiving gift for Word@Work.

Thank you for subscribing to Word@Work from BeaconLight.

Every blessing in Christ

The Word@WorkTeam



Word@Work © 2020 Dr Paul Adams | Provided by BeaconLight
Word At Work

Contact us at [email protected]

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