[Writers' Huddle] Critiques reminder; chatroom survey; one year ago (novellas & supernatural fiction)

Published: Mon, 10/02/17


It's the start of October, and we're into the final quarter of the year (yikes, where has 2017 gone?)

Whether your writing's been going well or not-so-well, do pop by the forums to update us on your progress towards your writing goals:

In today's email:

  - Critiques & reviews: deadline is THIS FRIDAY (6th)
  - One Year Ago: Writing Novellas and Supernatural Fiction, with Icy Sedgwick
  - Chatroom: Survey still running; this Thursday's chat 8PM - 9PM

One Year Ago: Writing Novellas and Supernatural Fiction, with Icy Sedgwick

(for Huddlers who joined BEFORE June 2017 and who haven't had a review/critique from me yet)

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that the deadline for booking your writing critique or blog review is the end of September. 

Last Thursday, I emailed to explain that I've extended this deadline until the end of Friday 6th October.

If you'd like me to critique 2,000 words of your writing, head here:

If you'd instead like me to review your blog as a whole and critique a specific blog post, head here:

Please book your critique as soon as you can. If you have something that won't be ready by Friday 6th October, do drop me an email and we can work something out. If I haven't heard from you by Friday 6th, it's unlikely I'll be able to fit in your critique.

If you're having any problems with the links above, it's fine to just email me your piece (or the URL of your blog and your specific blog post) -- [email protected].

NOTE: If you joined AFTER June 2017, you're not eligible for this, as you joined at the lower $9.99/month rate. Sorry! You're always very welcome to post work in our Critiques forum, of course, for feedback from other Huddlers.

One Year Ago: Writing Novellas and Supernatural Fiction, with Icy Sedgwick

Last October, our seminar discussed the resurgence of the novella and how to use the supernatural in your stories, with guest author Icy Sedgwick.

You can get the seminar here, including video, audio, slides, transcript and worksheet:

The seminar covered:
  • What is a novella, and how is it structured differently from a novel?
  • How to write a novella in a month with NaNoWriMo
  • Creating plausible supernatural worlds for your fiction
  • Common mistakes in supernatural stories
You can discuss the seminar on the forums here:

Chatroom: Thursday Chat 8PM - 9PM

If you haven't had a chance yet, please do fill in the quick survey here about the weekly chats:

(It doesn't matter whether you've taken part in chats or not -- I'm hoping to use the survey results to find a better timeslot, or a better format, to let more Huddlers join in!)

Of course, you're always very welcome to email me ([email protected]) with any suggestions, feedback, criticisms or questions about any aspect of Writers' Huddle.

This Thursday, we'll be talking about staying confident in the face of rejection.

The chatroom is text only (and very minimalist!). The chat runs from 8pm - 9pm UK time (3pm - 4pm EST) ... but you're very welcome to drop in and out.

Hope to see you there!

(If you miss out on a chat but want to catch up, you can scroll back up in the chatroom to read what happened. I clear the previous week's chat every Thursday.)


​​​​​Happy writing!

Ali x
Handy links

With useful links and downloads.

All seminars are also listed at www.writershuddle.com/seminars