[X&Y] It's Easier To Find A Needle In A Haystack When You Have A Magnet

Published: Thu, 04/18/24



Maybe after all the books, videos and "theory"
you've studied you're still frustrated by your
lack of success with women.

Or have you found that even when you DO
attract women, you tend to end up with the
WRONG ones?

By now, finding and attracting women who
are not only sexy as hell but actually GOOD
for you might seem like "mission impossible".

It's time to turn that ship around.

Like I've always said, "It's easier to find a
needle in a haystack when you have a

For over 18 years now, my staying power in
this field comes down to ONE factor:

I'm the coach for men who are SICK of the
B.S. and ready to take their power back.

No tricks, no games...just REAL results based
on what WORKS.

It all starts with the truth. (Go figure, right?)

For example, the VAST majority of us as men
aren't exactly "clubbers", nor do we even WANT
to be.

What's more, most of the BEST women are
NOT found at clubs in LA or Miami.

So why does most "pickup" advice focus on

It's a big world out there full of gorgeous women
who don't need make up, are down-to-earth,
love being feminine, actually LOVE men, and
want to treat theirs right. 

Those are the women I personally focused on,
with GREAT success and practically NO drama.

And if you want a woman who LOVES sex? Your
local strip club is NOT the place to find her. The
ones with the healthiest attitude and the strongest
sex drive know better than to "put themselves out
there" like that.

Most of all, if you want to attract women instead
of chasing them, I've LONG since figured out that
the secret is to take 100% ownership over your
success rather than playing the "victim card".

If you've been around the block a bit...and even
had your life wrecked by the WRONG woman
before, I will be the first to remind you how your
future happiness with women remains in YOUR

Are you resonating with any or all of this?

Well, I'm no "keyboard jockey".

I'm right there with you.

My first marriage ended due to extreme mental
illness...but rather than being "gaslit", I took
responsibility for learning how women think and
what attracts them.

Eventually, my friends marveled at how a "normal
guy" like me kept showing up with women who
were all sane, friendly, confident and yes..
impossibly sexy, even in jeans and a t-shirt.

And what do you know...for the last 18 years I've
has been with the woman of my dreams, who
treats me right.

Gentlemen, if track record matters...

If the TRUTH about what works with women

If you're sick and tired of games and tricks...

...Then we should talk.

Right now, your first 30 minutes is FREE to talk
about what's on your mind and perhaps develop
a plan of ACTION to stop spinning your wheels
and finally attract the women you already know
you deserve:


Just like how I talk about women and attraction,
here's no game playing involved here.

The first thing you'll notice is I'm not much of an
"ivory tower" guy.

After a few minutes it'll be obvious why Navy
SEALs, entrepreneurs, high-profile professionals
and even famous dignitaries choose me to coach
them to greatness with women.

You'll also find out why all sorts of other men who
want to get to the TRUTH do as well:


It's all about YOU.

YOUR destiny with women.

The right woman for YOU.



(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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