Green Tea Productions LLC

Leslie Kaminoff's Yoga Anatomy


Published: Fri, 05/31/24

Updated: Fri, 05/31/24

Hey there! Just a quick reminder: THIS IS THE LAST DAY TO ENROLL IN THE SUMMER COHORT OF YOGANATOMY.NET PRINCIPLES. Don't forget: After May 31, doors…

Last Day for Summer Scholarship!

Published: Fri, 05/24/24

Updated: Tue, 05/28/24

Hey there! Just a quick reminder that this is the last day for the best discounts and bonuses if you're joining us for Leslie's Summer Cohort of…

Free Prize Inside (BONUS COURSE)

Published: Tue, 05/21/24

Updated: Sat, 05/25/24

Hey all - What is it about those 3 little words that get us so e cited? "Free Prize Inside". That phrase makes me think of shaking all the cereal out…

Last Day for best discounts

Published: Fri, 05/17/24

Updated: Tue, 05/21/24

Hey there! Just a quick reminder that this is the last day for the best discounts and bonuses if you're joining us for Leslie's Summer Cohort of…

The Paradox of Being Seen

Published: Tue, 05/14/24

Updated: Fri, 05/17/24

"I feel so much more like myself." "I'm so much more confident in my own skin as a teacher." "It's like my students really get me now, and they're…

Last Day for Steepest Discounts

Published: Fri, 05/10/24

Updated: Wed, 05/15/24

Hey there! If you read my email on Tuesday, you know that we just opened the doors for Leslie's Summer Cohort of Principles. Woot…

Summer Enrollment Specials (THIS WEEK ONLY!)

Published: Tue, 05/07/24

Updated: Fri, 05/10/24

Hey all - Two things today: (1) BIG NEWS. (2) Something that affects ALL of us in the yoga industry. So without further ado... The Big News... (This…

Last Day for YTT Bonuses

Published: Thu, 03/28/24

Hello, Current and Future Teacher Trainers! Just a quick note to remind you that this is the last week to receive FREE bonus students for your future…

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