Only a few days left ...

Published: Tue, 03/28/17


Hi from Jodi and Julie!

You're receiving this email because you have purchased Thrive Life products through our blog links or have requested to be on our Thrive newsletter list.  As the end of the month is approaching we wanted to give you a quick reminder about TWO things!  First, the March specials are ending so if there is something you want to grab make sure to do it this week.  Second, we are offering a special promotion for new consultant sign-ups if you enroll on our team before March 31st.  


The March specials include an Easy Peasy Pack which includes pantry-sized cans of 11 of Thrive's best products for highlighting how quick and easy it is to make meals and snacks using Thrive.  

The following items are included in the pack and also on sale individually this month:  

1 Blueberries (FD): Perfect for smoothies, snacking, or to throw in your favorite baked goods like muffins, pancakes, oatmeal, and more.  Try freeze-dried blueberries in our Patriotic Jello recipe.

1 Raspberries (FD): These are delicious in any dessert recipes and you can stock up when they are on sale instead of paying high off-season prices.  Try them in this amazing Cashew Dream Pie recipe.

1 Quick Oats: These cook up quick and are great for baking or just eating as a breakfast.  The high quality cans and long shelf life make them a perfect long term storage item.  Use them in our Healthy Granola recipe.

1 Celery (FD): One of our favorite foods for saving time and money in the kitchen.  Just open a can and throw as much as desired in to soups, casseroles, chicken salad, etc. Try it in this Tortellini Soup recipe.  

1 Instant Black Beans:  No more soaking and cooking beans all day, just to have them turn out poorly. These beans make cooking with beans a snap and are way yummier than canned.  Try these Zesty Black Beans.

1 Rainbow Farfalle Pasta:  Having good wholesome pasta on hand without worrying about shelf life or critters getting into plastic bags is great.  The rainbow farfalle is a favorite with kids in this Southwest Pasta recipe.

1 Mangoes (FD): Mangos are a favorite sweet treat, perfect to use in a tropical smoothie or fruit salad.  You can also use as a mix-in for oatmeal or granola. Try this Pineapple Mango Salsa recipe.

1 Small Diced Beef (FD): No more thawing, chopping, and cooking before. These dices are a life-saver for quick dinners.  Use them in soups, pasta sauces, and even in a Beef Stroganoff.

1 Banana Slices (FD): These are so versatile. They are a staple in many smoothie recipes, but can also be crushed to make banana bread or just munched on for snacks.  You can even make Banana Muffins!

1 Sweet Corn (FD): A healthier alternative to snacking on popcorn with tons of flavor and nutrition.  Non-GMO and perfect for soups, chilis, or just as a side dish.  Try it in this White Bean Chili recipe.

1 Chopped Chicken (FD):  Only on sale in the Easy Peasy Pack or as a heavily discounted item for Monthly Q Customers.  We use this for soooo many things and never thaw, chop, and cook chicken at all any more!


We are offering a special bonus for people who join our Thrive Life team as consultants in March.  We will send you a FREE Taste of Thrive Intro Pack ($100 value) when your first Q ships.  All you have to do to qualify for this bonus offer is to sign up by March 31st and we'll be in touch with more details!


We hope you have a great week and have some fun in this beautiful spring weather!
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