Triple H getting freaking ripped!

Published: Wed, 03/30/16


Joe D. has been sending me updates
of Triple H training from this past
week and he looks in freaking
phenomenal shape!

In fact, the workouts have been so
amazing, Joe filmed his last workout
before Wrestlemania and we will be
uploading it into the Insider for the
upcoming Workout of the Month!

So, definitely stay tuned!

One of the pics Joe D. sent me was
Paul doing an ab-shredding sets of
hollow rocks
and I was inspired to
program in weighted ab rollouts
into our workout last night.

It is a great transition from ab
rollouts on your knees to full ab
rollouts from your feet.

I also love how it reinforces a good
position of the torso, something that
is critical when performing heavy
barbell lifts
and something that we
teach and reinforce at our CPPS

I've actually worked up to a 45lb
plate with these, but tonight, since
I haven't done them in a while, I
stayed with the 25lb plate.

Check them out!

Weighted Ab Rollouts <------ click here

Simple and easy-to-setup with
minimal equipment - just throw
a plate on your back.

If you don't have an ab rollout device,
simply put 10lb plates on an EZ curl
(with collars) and then you'll be
able to do rollouts with the bar!

Have an awesome day !



PS. The DeFranco Insider

Stay tuned for Triple H's WOM
coming up soon! And, don't forget
to check out the brutal adductor
activation drill
I uploaded last night
during our weekly live Q/A!
See you on the Inside!

Join Today:

PPS. Amazing Transformations! Click HERE

PPPS. Did you miss this?

Lateral Line and Lat Stretch from
yesterday's newsletter: <----- new stretch!