7 Steps to the Self-Care Diet

Published: Wed, 10/24/12

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Hello ,
More often than not when I ask someone where they are on their laundry list of things "to-do" they look at me confused. The answer ends up being on the bottom or not on the list. 

Sometimes we just need some ideas on how to get going with our self-care diet. Below are 7 things to start implementing today toward a better life. 

But don't take my word for it, try it for yourself. Ultimately your experience is your best teacher.   
Also, some things for your calendar, 

This Weekend - Saturday November 3rd I'll be at the Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) talking about Breaking Bad Habits: The Neuroscience and Psychology of Transforming our Lives.  Sunday November 4th I'll be at the Luxe Hotel in Bel Air, Los Angeles doing a very popular seminar on The Power of Mindfulness in Psychotherapy. If you want to plan ahead for a beautiful weekend workshop, join me at beautiful Kripalu on Jan 11 - 13th for a weekend of "The Now Effect: How this moment can change the rest of your life." 



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How this Moment Can Change the Rest of Your Life

No one ever said life was going to be easy, it's full of ups and downs. That is why it's very important to be mindful of a self-care diet. The main question we want to ask ourselves is "What is one thing I can do right now or today that is an act of love myself?" 

Here are 7 ideas that you can begin to implement right now to support a Self-Care Diet in daily life. 

  1. Start your morning by thinking of five things you're grateful for.
  2. If possible, practice mindful eating for a few minutes in the morning, or mindfully drink your coffee or tea.
  3. Practice a Mindful Check-In (from The Now Effect) once or twice daily.
  4. Take at least a 20-minute walk each day to care for your body.
  5. Put your hands on your heart and wish yourself well -- to be healthy and to be happy.
  6. When things are tough, just acknowledge that it's a hard moment and keep your critics at bay.
  7. At night, look back on the day, forgive all the people you're holding a grudge against, release that burden and have a better night's sleep.

The point of this is to keep it simple, there's no need to overthink it. Just stick with these seven, treat this week as an experiment to put some of these to work and see what you notice. 

If you have others that come to mind or you notice yourself bringing different ones into your day, just note that you're doing them while you're doing them. 

At the end of the day, look back and consider what actions you took as part of the self-care diet. Also, look back and see where they may have been opportunities that you missed. It's best if this latter part is done from a more objective eye with the intention of refining your ability for the next day, not as a means of judgment. 

Keep this list close to you and know you are an active participant in your health and well-being. 

Here's a short practice to begin or continue right now:

As always, today, choose a video-led practice today from The Now Effect and integrate it into your day once, twice or even three times. 

Allow your experience to teach you about its benefits. 


Feel free to forward this email on to anyone you think may benefit. 

A Couple Free Gifts - Choose Your Own Adventure

One Minute Video on The Now Effect

A short STOP practice

10 Minute Body Scan

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Photo © Gilles Mingasson

This comes from Elisha Goldstein, PhD, a psychologist, mindfulness teacher, author and speaker. See Elisha's workshops and lectures 


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