I'm surprised this worked.

Published: Thu, 03/03/16

The secret to better emails...
Imagine changing one thing about an email and seeing a 39 percent increase in your click-through rate. Impossible, right?

It’s actually easier than it sounds.

A few weeks ago I wanted to improve the click-through rate for one of my emails. I decided to try something: I moved the location of the call-to-action button to the top of my email. When I did this, I saw a huge increase (39 percent!) in clicks with minimal effort on my part.

How did I know that moving my call-to-action button would boost my clicks so much? I didn’t! I conducted a split test to find out.

Split testing is one of the most effective ways to systematically improve your email marketing. By split testing, you learn what kind of emails your subscribers love. And when your subscribers love your emails, you’ll see more engagement, which means higher open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates (and ultimately, more sales).

But do you know what the best part of split testing is? It’s easy and it doesn’t take much time. In fact, it actually saves you time! And you can start split testing your emails and sign up forms today.

To help you get started, we’ve written an entire guide and email series on split testing. And it’s free! To learn everything you need to know to start split testing your emails, sign up forms and more, download our brand-new The Minimalist Marketer’s Guide to Split Testing today.
To better emails!
Liz W. Content Marketing Specialist
P.S. Don’t wait until tomorrow! Now is the perfect time to download your guide and start split testing.
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