[Live Webinar] How to Grow Your Email Audience

Published: Fri, 06/24/16

Don't miss these proven list-building tactics.
You might write the best email content on the planet, but if you don’t have engaged subscribers, people may not be reading your emails.

And even if you do have a healthy subscriber list, you still face a dilemma: according to MarketingSherpa, email lists decrease by 22.5 percent every year. Which means that unless you’re actively growing your list, your email audience may be trickling away.

But with the right tactics, you can build an email audience who not only open and read your emails but love your business.

Join me and the experts from AddThis on Tuesday, June 28 at 12 pm ET for a webinar where you’ll learn the ins and outs of growing your email audience. You’ll learn:

  • Why email marketing is one of the most powerful tools to connect with your audience (and promote your business!)
  • Three list-building mistakes to avoid
  • How to build high-converting website sign up forms
  • How to drive traffic to your forms and grow your list
And much more! Claim your spot today, attend the webinar on Tuesday and learn powerful tactics to grow your email audience.
See you on Tuesday!
Liz W. Content Marketing Specialist
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