What will you do today?

Published: Wed, 08/24/16

Hi ,
Eighteen years ago, I made a small decision that changed my life forever: To start a business that allows people to create and send email to connect with and help others.
And from my garage, AWeber was born.
Flash forward to 2016, and I now work with an awesome, passionate team of individuals who work hard each day to ensure you and the rest of our 100,000+ customers have everything they need to create remarkable experiences through email.
So what’s the secret to maintaining a business for 18 years and counting? Well, I’d have to say it’s you.
The stories of the ways you and other AWeber customers use email to change their lives and the world around them is what brings me to work each and every day. It’s what inspires me and the rest of the AWeber team to continue innovating new product features and supporting through customer calls and education.
From starting a crafting business to launching a support group, there are so many wonderful ways in which you’re using email, and I can’t wait to hear about what you do next.
So as we celebrate our 18th birthday, I want to take this moment to thank you for allowing us to power your email marketing and the relationships you’re building with others through the messages you send.
While the team here will be celebrating later this week, I’d like to leave you with a simple challenge: Think about the small wins you have or decisions you make each day. Maybe it’s optimizing an old sign up form. Or perhaps you’ve been thinking about starting a new podcast. Whatever it may be, I challenge you to go for it.
Sometimes, you just have to take a risk – you never know how big the reward might be.
To help you along the way, the AWeber team recently released a handful of new checklists and courses to get you started.
Whether you’re growing your business, starting a new side hustle, or simply maintaining communication with others, the AWeber team created six easy-to-follow checklists to help you tackle tasks that require little effort, but can have a big, lasting impact:
Again, I thank you for being such an AWesome customer. And I look forward to powering your email marketing for years to come!
Tom K.
Tom Kulzer
CEO and Founder