Updates to Our Privacy Policy

Published: Wed, 10/05/16

Read on for an overview of what's new.
Hi ,

Here at AWeber, we respect your privacy – and we take that pretty darn seriously (like Batman protecting Gotham City kinda serious). As part of that effort, we recently made a few changes to our Privacy Policy

And to keep you in the loop, I wanted to share an overview of what's new:

  • The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework has been added. To comply with the new framework, we updated the content and made minor changes to the language so it's easier to understand. 
  • The U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor has a new section. To make it more clear that this compliance is separate from the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, we moved this into its own section. 
  • We cleaned up some of the legal jargon. Privacy policies should be easy to understand, so we updated some of the language throughout the page to make our compliances and policies more clear. 
To learn more, feel free to check out the updated Privacy Policy.

Thank you! 
Tom Kulzer, ​​​​​​​CEO and Founder
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