New in Your AWeber Account: Manage Subscriber Tags in Campaigns!

Published: Fri, 02/05/16

Here’s what’s new with tags.

Managing Subscriber Tags Just Got Easier

Not too long ago, we unveiled our new email automation platform, Campaigns. You could fire off campaigns the moment someone subscribed to your list or when a subscriber was tagged at any point during your campaign.

Up until now, you were only able to apply tags during a campaign. Now, you can tag subscribers already on your list and send them any activated campaign you choose. You can manage which tags are applied to each subscriber within your “Manage Subscribers” page. You can even bulk-add a tag to bigger groups of subscribers to save time.

Go ahead, give it a try!

Try Tags for Campaigns

As always, our email experts are happy to help if you have any questions.

By the way, this is just the beginning for tagging. We’ve got lots more in store. I’ll be sure to give you a heads up every time we add more awesome features and capabilities to help you get the most out of your email marketing.

Until next time!

Meghan N.

Meghan N. Product Manager

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