Get your Email Marketing Master Class + other freebies!

Published: Mon, 04/10/17

April Newsletter | Log in to AWeber
Earlier this year, we held our second annual Email Marketing Master Class for 8,000 students who were stoked to learn new ways to optimize their strategies. If you couldn't make it, that's okay! Here's your chance to catch up.

The class was so well received, we decided to offer it to all marketers as a paid online video course on Udemy (currently priced at $145). But since you're one of our AWesome customers (who we appreciate very much!), we're offering Master Class to you for free! Zilch. Nada. Nothing.

Just click this link, select "Buy Now" and sign up for Udemy if you don't have an account. The free coupon code will be automatically applied, so you can start learning right away!

During the course, you'll learn tips to:

  • Build your email list like a pro 
  • Write more influential email content
  • Improve your template design to create eye-catching emails
  • Automate emails to save time and engage more subscribers
  • Analyze and optimize emails to boost performance
  • Monetize your email strategy and improve your ROI
Want to get started with email automation, but overwhelmed by how complicated it can be? This is your solution! Join AWeber's Tom T. for a workshop on April 20 at 3 p.m. ET, where he'll share a 3-step time-saving formula so you can automate your emails like the pros – even if you're just getting started. Attendees will also receive free fill-in-the-blank email templates to speed up the process! 🎓

Save my seat »
Say goodbye to your sign up form and welcome email troubles. On April 12 at 11 a.m. ET, we're teaming up with our friends (and integration partner!), Privy, for a webinar on list building and engagement. We'll also help you complete 2 fill-in-the-blank templates for building a sign up form and welcome email in minutes. 📚

Reserve my spot today »
Wanna give your emails a fresh update? Our email template designer has been hard at work updating new templates, including one that's perfect for shorter emails and one that's ideal for newsletters. To access the templates, log in to your AWeber account, go to the drag and drop editor and select "Templates." 🎨

Explore them now »
Have we told you lately that we love you? 🎶  Our Customer Solutions team was named Service Team of the Year by the National Customer Service Association! And we have YOU, our AWesome customers, to thank. This annual All-Star award is given to individuals, teams and organizations that go above and beyond normal customer service duties and consistently provide excellent service. 🏆

Drop a note to congratulate the CS team! »
The AWeber Team
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