This could be because teams have tested emoji and found it wasn't helpful, but if you haven't tested including emoji in your subject lines, it's one of the
simplest tests you can run.
Test and Iterate
It's crucial to track which subject lines perform best in terms of open rates and engagement.
Teams should be A/B testing subject lines to see what resonate more with their audience.
In my experience, you should test the wildest ideas you have (that aren’t going to make your audience feel bad). It’s the out there experiments that usually have the biggest impacts.
Action Items
Like I said at the beginning, you can apply lessons from both what is going right and what could be improved to your own email programs.
Next week we’ll be covering the multiple lessons we can learn from the actual content of these emails. You’ll want to read that one, it’s got a metric ton of helpful info.
For now, here’s a quick checklist to help your subject lines make your email the MVP (Most Valuable Piece-of-email):