[Freebie Inside] Happy National Small Business Week!

Published: Thu, 06/20/13

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It's Time To Celebrate Businesses Like Yours

We work with small businesses day in and day out. It's our mission to help them, and you, succeed.

To that end, we've assembled information on the state of affairs in the small business sphere. Take a look:

And Happy Birthday America!
Though the Stars and Stripes don't turn 237 'til July 4, we're starting the celebration early with a gift for you!

We've been hard at work making three Independence Day email templates that you can use for your summer sales.

They're all free in AWeber accounts (of course!), but even if you're not an AWeber user, we still have one for you!

Come And Get It  >>

We hope you enjoy the new templates and find the information useful. From all of us at AWeber, happy National Small Business Week!