4 Things Everyone Should Know About Mobile Marketing in 2014

Published: Fri, 03/28/14

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4 Things You Need To Know About Mobile Marketing
Many businesses expect 2014 to be the year of mobile. According to Shop.org and Forrester Research, more than half of retailers they surveyed marked mobile efforts as a top priority. 

Mobile marketing is a new territory for many businesses. Two-thirds of businesses are using some form of mobile marketing, and most of them have been doing it for less than a year. 

How To Prepare For The New Facebook Page Design
Facebook began rolling out a new design for Pages recently. Their intention is to make it easier for people to find the information they want and to help Page owners access the tools they use most. 

With the new design, there are some great benefits as well as some drawbacks. 

What's changing and what you can do to prepare.

Spring '14 Marketing Need-To-Knows
Earlier this year, the 2014 marketing "predictions" and "resolutions" rolled out.

It's March now. The dust has settled, and we've picked through it. Three of these trends we wouldn't have guessed a year ago, but all of them are absolutely making an impact.