Want to Get Your Emails Delivered? Fix This Today

Published: Wed, 04/09/14

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If you care about reaching your email subscribers, you'll want to take two minutes to read today's email. There's a simple but important change that a lot of marketers - maybe you - need to make to prevent their emails from bouncing.

If you keep reading, you'll also find out about some cool apps that you can connect to AWeber, and real-world marketing lessons that a crafty entrepreneur learned over the first three years of running her business.

Ready? Let's go!

Want to Get Your Emails Delivered? Fix This Today

When you send your email campaigns, what email address do your subscribers send replies to?

If you said, "my Yahoo/Hotmail/AOL/Gmail address," I have some unpleasant news for you:

You're hurting your email deliverability.

And after what just happened at Yahoo, you'll want to fix that, and fast.

Here's the scoop...

Connect These New Apps to AWeber

Have you seen the latest apps that connect to AWeber to help you with different marketing and business goals?

These AWeber-enabled tools can help you grow your list, run social contests, connect your email campaigns to your ecommerce platform, and more.

Check out the apps here

3 Questions I Wish I'd Asked Before Starting My Business

Anyone who has ever started a business knows that sometimes your enthusiasm outpaces your experience and planning.

I know from my experience founding and marketing a soap-making business.

The years I spent blundering around could have been much more successful if when I started, I'd known all the things I knew by the end.

Here's what I wish I'd known