7 Stylish WordPress Email Templates That Look Great on Mobile

Published: Tue, 04/15/14

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By now, you've probably heard about Heartbleed.

AWeber isn't affected, but other websites were, and there are things you should do to protect yourself.

Here's what we recommend


Are you one of the millions of people running your website on WordPress?

Or, do you wish you had a reliable email template that looked great on subscribers' smartphones?

If so, you'll want to check out today's featured article.

We've rolled out a set of mobile-ready email templates that match 7 of the top WordPress themes that AWeber customers use.

You'll also find out about some changes Facebook made to their ads, so if you're running any, have a quick look at that to make sure you're up-to-date on what's new there.

7 Stylish Email Templates Inspired by Top WordPress Themes

With its vast list of valuable plugins and beautiful themes, WordPress empowers you to build an audience with ease.

Wouldn't it be great to take that beautiful experience that your WordPress site creates for your visitors and carry it over to the email marketing campaigns that your subscribers get?

Thanks to our talented designers, now you can

What You Need to Know About Facebook's New Ad Structure

Facebook is shaking things up yet again - this time on the advertising front with its new structure to advertising campaigns. They're making it easier to organize, optimize and measure your ads.

Easier is good, but anytime you're going to spend money advertising your business, you want to have a clear picture of how your ads work. Nowhere is this more true than it is online.

Let's take a look at how Facebook ads work

P.S. Do you know someone who would love to learn more about marketing their business online? Please take a minute to forward this email to them. Thanks!

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