Grow Your List Faster -- 6 Apps and Split Testing Advice

Published: Tue, 06/03/14

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6 New Apps that Help You Run Contests and Grow Your List

Sweepstakes, giveaways and contests are a powerful way to boost your subscriber lists, engage with customers, and take your marketing campaigns to the next level.

So this month, we're sharing six AWeber-connected apps that help you run contests on social media and support your email marketing efforts.

Learn more

How Split Testing Can Get You More Subscribers (Advice + Case Studies)

Split testing is a key to making your marketing better and more profitable... but do you spend the time to test your own marketing efforts?

If you haven't been testing, you're leaving subscribers and sales on the table.

The good news? It's never too late to start testing. And to help you, we're going to share a few articles and case studies on testing over the next few weeks.

The first part of this series shares how to grow your list by testing your sign up forms.

Psst... do you know someone who needs help growing their list? Forward this email along to them. They'll be glad you did.

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