Mobile Responsive Sign Up Forms & Getting Higher Email Open Rates

Published: Thu, 06/05/14

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Sign Up Forms Are Now Mobile Responsive (And What This Means For You)

If you're like most business owners, you've seen the influence of mobile devices on your website's ability to retain and convert visitors.

As a result, many websites and content management systems have moved to introduce mobile responsive designs that look great on smartphones and other mobile devices.

AWeber is happy to announce that we recently made a change that makes it easier for people visiting your site from mobile devices to interact with your site, and to join your email list.

Learn More About Mobile Responsive Forms

How to Get Higher Email Opens By Split Testing Subject Lines

Are your email open rates struggling? You might be making mistakes you don't even know you're making. You can find out with a split test.

Last week, we explained the power of a good split test and showed how it can be done with sign up forms and lightboxes. But split tests don't end once your list has taken shape. You can also test different elements of your emails to see what makes for more successful emails.

Learn More About Split Testing Subject Lines