How To Run a Winning Mobile Marketing Campaign & July Apps Roundup

Published: Tue, 07/01/14

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July 2014 Apps Roundup

July's five featured apps include services to help you grow your email lists with mobile opt-ins and forms, use powerful segmentation and automation options, and roll your email analytics into a comprehensive dashboard.

Find out more about products such as Join By Text, Pippity, FormGet, Raven Tools, and AW Pro Tools and how each of these services can provide a boost to your email marketing efforts. 

How do you determine which apps are the best fit? Our team has provided helpful at-a-glance overviews, how-to videos and special offers from our partners to get you up and running fast!

Find out more about AWeber's July App Integration on our blog.

9 Steps to Get the Most from Your Mobile Marketing Campaign

Is mobile marketing right for you? How do you get started with it? This free Mobile Marketing Decision Tree PDF, courtesy of our friends at 60 Second Marketer, can help you choose which mobile marketing tactics are best for your business.

Read More & Download the Free Report

#AWeberHour Twitter Chat

#AWeberHour : Wednesday, July 2, 2014, 2-3 p.m. EDT

Jamie Turner, founder of 60 Second Marketer, will share tips on how to run a winning mobile marketing campaign for your business, citing insights from his recent Mobile Marketing Research Report. You'll learn tips and techniques for getting the most out of your mobile marketing campaigns.

BONUS! The most active Twitter chat participant will win an AWeber goodie bag.

To get a preview of the questions we will ask Jamie and learn how to participate in a Twitter chat, visit our blog.