AWeber Blog Update: Stock Image Gallery, New App Integrations & MORE!

Published: Tue, 08/05/14

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AWeber Releases 3,000+ Stock Image Gallery
If a picture is worth a thousand words then AWeber has just given you over three million new things to say! AWeber is excited to announce our new Stock Image Gallery that makes adding visuals to your email newsletters a snap. With more than 3,000 images you have endless combinations right at your fingertips. No need to worry about extra charges for storing too many images, being an AWeber customer gets you unlimited image storage.
August App Integrations

From Facebook opt in forms and simple surveys, to powerful online event tools, this month's fresh crop of integrations will help you not only grow your audience, but also show how you can better serve them.

Once again, we've asked our integration partners to explain exactly why you'd want to connect these services to your AWeber account and how it will benefit your business. Check out these quick overviews, set-up videos and special offers exclusively for AWeber customers to find out how these apps can best boost your business.


Are You Required To Reconfirm Your Subscribers When Switching to AWeber?
Import Without COI
We realize that requiring your existing email subscribers to re-opt in to content they have already agreed to receive can be confusing. Switching your email service provider should be seamless to your subscribers and painless for you! Want to find out if you can import a list without having your subscribers re-opt in?

AWeber On The Road

The AWeber team is taking to the road to meet and learn from our global customer base. We'll be everywhere from NYC to Australia's Gold Coast collaborating and networking with industry thought leaders to bring you the newest in digital marketing education and trends.

Let us know if you'll be attending one of these AWesome upcoming events!


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