Converting Facebook Likes Into Subscribers, Using Testimonials for Your Business & MORE!

Published: Tue, 09/16/14

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Converting Facebook "Likes" Into Subscribers
Converting Facebook "Likes" Into Subscribers

If you were one of the brands that scrambled a few years ago to obtain the sacred Facebook "Like" from as many fans as possible, it's okay. You weren't the only one. At the time, it was the most valuable social currency around.

But ask yourself this: Now that you have all of those followers on Facebook, what else are you doing to turn them into fully engaged customers?

While social media is a great way to interact with customers on a personal level, you can also leverage the tool to build your email subscriber list. Chances are, there is a large percentage of people who like you on Facebook but don't receive your emails. End result, you're missing out on a huge opportunity by not creating a way to convert Likes into subscribers.

To help you get started and gain quality business prospects (who doesn't want that?), the AWeber Team has put together some tips for converting those "likes" into new email subscribers.

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