Want to make your content shareable? Here's how.

Published: Thu, 05/19/16

May 19, 2016View in browser

Notice anything different about this week's blog newsletter?

We used our new app, Curate, to create it! Curate gives you an easy way to send engaging curated email newsletters to your subscribers from your mobile device. But don't take our word for it - try it for yourself!

Download Curate here.

Enjoy this week's blog posts!

The AWeber Team

Email Marketing Tips
Metadata makes your content look great, no matter where you share it. In fact, metadata is the unseen force behind this very newsletter! Find out how to make your content easier to share.
Email Marketing Tips
Using video in your email gives you the opportunity to both show and tell in your emails. So what makes an awesome video? A personal, human touch wins every time.
Email Marketing Tips
In this week's podcast episode, email expert Tom Tate discusses the value of repurposing your content - and, more importantly, ways you can start doing it today.
This curated newsletter was made with love for you using Curate, the latest AWeber mobile app for iOS and Android.