Survey says ...
Published: Thu, 04/25/19
3-minute read or how often micro earthquakes happen in California
There’s a reason top marketers send survey emails so frequently — they work.
Survey emails can decrease unsubscribes, increase engagement, and help you sell more products or services.
Learn about the 5 survey emails that will make your marketing much more effective.
Try short subject lines.
Long subject lines will get cut off on mobile devices. To make sure this doesn’t happen, use subject lines with less than 30 characters.
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Save a lot of money.
Mikayla Starr, founder of children’s store Lovely Lady Bugs, switched from Constant Contact to AWeber. Now, 3 times more people open her emails, and she spends less money each month.
“I save between $50 and $60 each month with AWeber,” Mikayla says.