A or B?
Published: Thu, 12/26/19
What if there was a way to be sure that one version of an email would generate more engagement, lead to more landing page views, and provoke more sign ups?
Well . . . there is.
With email A/B testing, your team can gather data-backed proof of the effectiveness of your email marketing.
Bonus tip
Wish your subscribers a happy New Year.
Thank your audience for being loyal subscribers by sending them an email wishing them a happy 2020. Want to add flair to your email? Use one of
our free New Year’s GIFs.
Have a question? Ask our team below. We may feature it in an upcoming blog post or video.
Find out how to create content that stands out in the inboxes and social streams of your audience.
Want to use more GIFs in your emails in 2020? This video will show you how.
Save your favorite emails as templates.
If you design a beautiful email and want to use it again and again, you can save it as a template inside AWeber.
When you decide to create an email, just select your pre-saved email template and update your content. Now, you’re ready to send an email in minutes!