Second Nature Healing

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I heard it from a good Source,

Published: Fri, 07/12/19

Hi, Since you already know me, I'm not shy about saying anything about what I hear (see, know, and feel). After all, having intuitive abilities can be…

Thank you, . Here are your next steps.

Published: Mon, 06/17/19

Dear, It's always a pleasure to help shine a light for people who have questions, or are struggling. You help me do that, so thank you. But there's…

Can You Figure This Out, ?

Published: Wed, 06/05/19

Figuring Out How to Heal . . . and WHY People Are So Sick. Hello Last year I sent out a newsletter about Why People Don't Heal. If you missed it, read…

Announcing . . . Ta-Da

Published: Tue, 03/26/19

Hi Every time I teach a class or work with a client I see ways to continue the work - beyond our time together. However, until now, I haven't really…

Did you get it yet?

Published: Mon, 03/11/19

Hi Thanks for your patience as I make changes and IMPORTANT UPDATES to my website. I'm long overdue! The good news is that I sent out a new ebook to…

Try these powerful words,

Published: Tue, 02/19/19

Powerful Words Hello What's the one thing you want more than anything else? I've talked to a lot of people lately about that very question through my…

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