This Thursday: MARK SHEPARD and Neal Spackman Webinar (Using Forest Ecology in Restoration Agriculture)

Published: Mon, 10/24/16

Hey Folks,
I hope you all enjoyed Part 1 of
our Desert Terraforming series. 
Part 2 is coming up next week and that
​​​​​​​will be mind-blowing.

This week, we have a very special guest.
 We listened to what many of you had to say,
and we're excited to have MARK SHEPARD
on this week's webinar.

Mark will be teaching on how
he used Forest Ecology Principles to repair
his ecosystem, ​​​​​​​and bolster long term profits
on his 106 acre farm.

Over 20 years ago, Mark Shepard started
out with close to nothing on a degraded farm site.

However, from the get go, he planned to
establish systems to give him
stable, long term profits 
and a thriving ecology on his site.

Mark uses a system he calls "Restoration Agriculture"
which integrates fruit and nut trees, shrubs, perrennial
vegetables, and animal systems together.

In this system, biomass and fertility
increases year after year, as does
the productivity and profits of his farm.

If you want to learn how to use Mark's
principles on your own farm site.
then come join us on the webinar this Thursday,
11:00AM PST.

It's free, and we're also doing a Q&A with
Mark afterwards.

Ecolonomic Action Team Pitch After the Presentation

For those of you who like the presentation,
and want continual education from
Mark Shepard and Wayne Dorband,
they will be doing a short pitch for
their ongoing education and mentoring
program, the Ecolonomic Action Team.

EAT is an ongoing, daily education
program that runs the gamut from 
Restoration Agriculture, to Aquaponics,
to Alternative Health.  Members pay
once, and get lifetime access to ongoing
Hope to see you Thursday, and keep designing a better world.
Raleigh Latham and Neal Spackman